Back Pain

Most of us have suffered back pain at one point. The discomfort and motion restriction the condition causes necessitate getting help to deal with it. Some people's back pain disappears after a few days, while others have it for weeks, months, or years. 


Different treatment options are available, but one of the best back pain treatment options is chiropractic care from Alternative Health Care Chiropractic in Portland, OR. Our chiropractor will assess your condition to determine what is causing your back pain before creating a chiropractic care plan to address it.

What Is Back Pain? 

You are likely to feel stiff, achy, or tense in your back if you have back pain. This condition can result from bending in the wrong direction, an accident, lifting something heavy, or a sports injury. People of all ages can suffer from back pain, but it is prevalent among young and middle-aged adults. 

Why Consider Chiropractic Treatment? 

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) states that chiropractors treat back pain and other health conditions, such as headaches, neck pain, joint injuries, and muscle/ligament disorders. Our chiropractor has extensive training and experience to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal issues. We will examine you, identify your back pain's causes, and recommend the best back pain treatment course. 

What Happens When You Visit Our Chiropractic Centers? 

Our chiropractors will get to know you better during your first visit, which lasts 30–60 minutes. They will ask about your condition, medical history, symptoms, and medications you are using. Be honest and accurate with your responses to help them plan the best back pain treatment course to ensure you get better. The chiropractor can administer physical exams to note your back pain severity and causes. We may also recommend imaging tests, such as an MRI or x-ray.

Once the chiropractor has a better understanding of your back pain, they will advise you on the best treatment option. This treatment plan can include chiropractic care, which incorporates adjustments, massage, and alignments. Your chiropractor may also recommend lifestyle changes to ensure you eliminate your back pain. 

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in Portland, OR

Call Alternative Health Care Chiropractic today at (503) 761-9648 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor. 

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